@JonGarbee↩️ If this is about what I think it is... I get the itchy feeling of it being Microformats+ and explicit contained markup. Which, I don't get why it isn't just some basic web components then. (twitter.com/_/status/1486883524284141575)
[tonz]If I were to build my own microsub client, where / how would I begin? I’ve created my own little micropub client this month, where I started with the bit that communicates with the micropub server. I suppose that would be logical here too. But unlike with micropub, where I’m sending stuff to the endpoint, in microsub I’m getting loads of stuff _from_ the endpoint. That takes something like client side storage? Is that what other
capjamesg[d]I’d like to contribute more to MDN — it was fun doing so — but will need to wait because I don’t have anything on my mind that I’d like to see changed.
[tantek]capjamesg[d], it was well done, I think one way to think about "what to change next" would be to look at what you think could be improved on the microformats site itself, and maybe we can collaborate on a round of that
[tantek]then the next likely most useful thing for MDN would be a dedicated h-entry page, since the very first use-case for microformats you mention (so to speak) in the article is for Webmention, and h-entry is literally the start of making that work