@jgmac1106↩️ The only issue with the HTML/microformats, http://granary.io, and internet archive example I show is Apple. Last I checked they didn't accept the feed due to a Google cert.
Been a hot minute since I published audio show. Need to get back at it. (twitter.com/_/status/1494840473189552134)
[manton], Seirdy, [fluffy], angelo and marksuth[d] joined the channel
@iAdramelk↩️ Я 10 лет назад писал чеклисты для фронтов и в секции про сео писал гайд про microformats/microdata. Судя по тому что ты пишешь ситуация за 10 лет как минимум не улучшилась, а возможно и хуже стала. (twitter.com/_/status/1494949800105570311)
balupton[d], KartikPrabhu, jacky, barnaby and aaronpk joined the channel
barnabyyeah I just pasted my article in as a custom HTML block, and when you switch it to preview mode and unfocus it, you can’t edit it again after that
barnabyI’ll wait a few hours for any last feedback and then publish it (or, mf admins, feel free to publish it already if you like, I’m happy with it as it is)
barnabywhat’s the best way to go about fixing that? editing the theme manually, or can we just install a plugin which injects classes into the right places?