jacky> "The most general rule to consider when writing alternative text is the following: the intent is that replacing every image with the text of its alt attribute does not change the meaning of the page."
Seirdyjacky: yeah i just disable images in my browser or use something like w3m when im low on data or when my bandwidth is limited; alt text replaces the images so i can still understand what i'm reading.
@chrisheuer↩️ @Montero Hey Chris. We think a lot alike. Also looking to create open data design standards leveraging lessons learned from #xml and #microformats especially.
For people to own their reputation they must be able to freely take it with them.
#Web31 (twitter.com/_/status/1500929328002912257)
[tantek]and it's supported by exactly zero browsers. it's a vestigial part of the "HTML" standard (which is literally supposed to document what browser actually support)
[tantek](which is what's supposed to happen when zero browsers support something, especially when that support goes from partial in one browser to zero browsers over time)
[tantek]that JSON format was one of the contributions of microdata to the design of mf2. where possible I re-used bits of microdata-json for mf2-json so consuming applications could more easily make sense of "either" syntax after it was parsed