#microformats 2022-03-26
2022-03-26 UTC
gRegor, darkkirb, jacky and jamietanna joined the channel
# ↩️ Data Highlighter Tool to Boost Google Search Traffic
There are three types of structured data markup:
- Microdata
- Microformats
- RFDa ( twitter.com/_/status/1507667381644148738)
# Using Microformats on your sites is more optimal that OGP and Twitter Cards: it doesn't require duplication of content (wasted bytes) and you can use your existing content as the information you want to highlight. (https://jacky.wtf/2022/3/B3/B3kBk9dpoJb7cfmvnFw_m4Xu) ( twitter.com/_/status/1507711496129818634)
Zegnat joined the channel
# ↩️ I was under the impression that Microformats were surpassed by http://schema.org + Microdata. Is there a reason to go back to Microformats? ( twitter.com/_/status/1507737985193844741)
# ↩️ Google's the biggest idea of said surpassing. Not community's opinion. And Microformats hasn't "left", it's still in a lot of content used around the Web. For example https://microformats.org/wiki/hcard-examples-in-wild ( twitter.com/_/status/1507741909132922896)
jamietanna, [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and Asaf_Agranat[d] joined the channel
# ↩️ Bin gespannt wie gut dieses Tool http://Schema.org #Microformats mit Öffnungszeiten, Kontakt, Events sowie #OpenStreetMap basierte Webkarten unterstützt!? ( twitter.com/_/status/1507754841346654215)
[dariusdunlap], Jeremiah[d] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
barnaby and ur5us joined the channel
jacky, Christian_Olivie and ur5us joined the channel