gRegorI know they're pushing their structured data, but I would still hope Google's Rich Results Test tool would show meta description so you could test what might be in search results
gRegorBut I guess they use their magic to sometimes use the page content instead "Google sometimes uses <meta> tag content to generate snippets, if we think they give users a more accurate description than can be taken directly from the page content."
[tantek]1Their "results test tool" doesn't actually correlate with what they decide to show on their SERPs. Hence I don't consider Google Search's implementation to be "testable"
[tantek]1they have a validator for their hypothetical markup sure. yet it's well known that SERPs only show a tiny fraction of the stuff their validator finds (from schema org etc.)
gRegoryeah, it seems like they don't want to make a test tool that will show what the results *actually* are, so they can change them around based on whatever criteria they have. Frustrating.