#microformats 2022-05-01

2022-05-01 UTC
jacky, angelo, ccx, gRegor, neceve, sebsel, hary and ur5us joined the channel
Likely candidates are Microformats, and RDFa.
So, I finished implementing #webmention #microformats2 and #indieweb (receive only for now) on my blogs (like: https://im.youronly.one/snoworld/). Hope it works. Time to watch #Kdrama #tv. I am so behind. ^_^ #microformats #YourOnlyOne
ccx, sebsel, [Sam_Butler], jacky, [fluffy], [sebsel], h8h8h89h9h, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], ur5us and Seirdy joined the channel