#microformats 2022-05-09

2022-05-09 UTC
↩️ Kudos to @KevinMarks for his recent work on @Tumblr to add microformats to make it more IndieWeb friendly! https://changes.tumblr.com/post/683524731509653505/friday-may-6th-2022
jacky, ur5us, [calumryan]1, strugee, [aciccarello], milkii, angelo, [Murray], ben_thatmustbeme, [Chris_Lott], sow and truman joined the channel
Now the question is are there build tests so it doesn't get broken? Eg similar to what [ben_thatmustbe] did for his mf2 to mastodon additions
jacky joined the channel
↩️ I remember part of the example was like, you already have a webpage that shows people information, with microformats you can get part way to hyperhypertext, and then you have the hyperhypertext approach.
jacky joined the channel
I was going to make something for that in our repo based on the js mf2 parser
[echo ✨] @kevinmarks bold of you to assume we have any real tooling around themes... 😹 but this is really helpful for when we ever open source the theme!
[Kevin Marks] @chaosexanima @tchambers @humanetech @cdevroe @django The Tumblr page there is a good place to look. Adding microformats markup to the default template would be great. If you do that, do add a CI test to check that it's still there for future redesi...
jacky joined the channel
Also, I need to debug the markup for reposts, as it isn't looking quite right
jacky joined the channel