#microformats 2022-05-23

2022-05-23 UTC
angelo, ur5us, Seirdy, [tw2113_Slack_], Loqi, Zegnat, jacky, [CrowderSoup], [jgmac1106], [Murray], [tonz], [aciccarello], [jeremycherfas], gRegor, [schmarty], ben_thatmust and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
did you know many gov't sites have a code.json or data.json at the root of their domain to let you discover the opensource and open data they have available? https://www.dol.gov/code.json https://www.dol.gov/data.json I haven't found if there are any more of these microformats
TIL people call well-known root name files "microformats"
jacky joined the channel
jacky__ joined the channel
Structured data formats are rules that standardize the structure and content of a webpage. Google is asking all of us to surface structured data to their crawlers by marking up our HTML with RDFa and Microformats. https://lttr.ai/xMeK
jacky joined the channel
yo Google hasn't asked for RDFa since (checks notes) 2016
ur5us, jacky and [jeremycherfas]1 joined the channel
Aren’t they all-in on schema.org these days?
with a preference for JSON-LD
jacky and [James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel