gregorloveedited /h-entry (-60) "/* what is the bare minimum list of required properties on an h-entry */ formatting cleanup; make separate questions stand out and bullets under each; rm class=discussion, not in current MediaWiki" (view diff)
blake1, pjplayer, pavan, jacky, ur5us, gRegor, [Jamie_Tanna], [dshanske], [manton], [marksuth], jacky_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tantek]Can anyone help with perhaps verifying / updating a section or two? (and then moving the "needs to be updated" warning block down the page accordingly?
gregorloveedited /rel-me (+550) "/* screencast and videos */ add archived links; note Flash content; updated scobleshow permalink, left original link in HTML comment; added YT link direct to timestamp mentioned" (view diff)
gRegorI don't really know behind the scenes on the save/render things. I know some like php show the render in nice HTML page, others just show the JSON