2022-07-18 UTC
petermolnar, ur5us, [Murray], [KevinMarks], capjamesg1, [manton] and jacky joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
# jacky aaronpk: would that only be you? I remember that from last time with the rust parser
# aaronpk you're already on the org! so you can request the transfer
# jacky hm I think I have to play with this b/c it wants an email to reference to the transferring account
# jacky I wonder if it's because I haven't added a card; I just added a virtual one - going to try again
# aaronpk i think you aren't an admin on the indieweb org so it won't let you just move it
# jacky hm might actually need to make you an owner
jacky joined the channel
# jacky if needed, I can help moving any other apps under there - could help democratize updates for these parser sites
# aaronpk i think everything else is already there, and should be set up to auto deploy from github too
jacky, [tantek], [KevinMarks]1 and [Murray] joined the channel
jacky and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
jacky joined the channel