#microformats 2022-08-25

2022-08-25 UTC
jacky, gRegorLove_, Seirdy, strugee, [chrisaldrich], Guest8475, IWDiscordGateway, [manton], [jacky], [tw2113_Slack_], [fluffy], [campegg]1, [snarfed]1, [aciccarello]1, [jacky]1, [schmarty]1, Jamietanna1, IWSlackGateway6, [manton]1, [tantek]3 and ur5us joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
Why do we not have an h-app page?
It's cited in the indieauth spec, but nothing really there
The IndieWeb wiki has one: indieweb.org/h-app
I'm surprised the microformats wiki doesn't have something on h-app.
h-app redirects there; not sure why
Perhaps because it's early in the microformats process
I consider the page more of a placeholder. Should have been specific. I'd expect more there.
For something used in a spec
Solution...I should brainstorm
http://microformats.org/wiki/app-brainstorming could be updated to include the newer p-summary usage
The examples page is fairly up to date, I went through it last December. Lists some that use p-summary
jacky joined the channel
Shouldn't /app redirect to /h-app and not the other way around?
jacky_ joined the channel
GWG, no because it didn't follow the microformats process
this is what happens to things that start as a brainstorm only, without doing the prerequisite research and documentation thereof
wat, it literally is following the process
the first edit description on that page is "This is a page for tracking the effort to develop an '''app''' microformat for authors and publishers to mark up software. Per the microformats The microformats process..."
my no is answering GWG's precise question
aaronpk, what you're seeing is how we "repair" the microformats wiki when someone jumps in with an h-thing-i-think-is-super-clever page
it turns out people are much more interested in brainfarting than in doing & documenting research
research is hard
sad lesson from years of early microformats community
science is hard
no shortcuts
might also be a symptom of stackexchange copy pasta coding culture
[tantek]: I was thinking of becoming a consumer of h-app
GWG, personally? that's an odd hobby 😉
[tantek]3: The Indieauth plugin for WordPress doesn't support it, I thought it probably should
I don't have microformats parsing in the code
[tantek] :D
IndieWeb Search was maybe a consumer. I can't remember if I added full support.
as per the mf process, the problem i'm trying to address: i'd like to track projects (eg. code, design) and their activity (eg. changes, participants, milestones)
ur5us and jacky joined the channel
could the current wiki content on the project[-*] pages be classified as "brainfart"? if so, what would be the best way to proceed with fresh -examples?
jacky joined the channel
no by brainfart I really mean a "brainstorm" that doesn't have much thought put into it, which is literally what a lot of folks have done in microformats in the past, to no productive end
angelo, that explicit documentation of use-cases is missing from /project
the "problem i'm trying to address" that you described
jacky joined the channel
the different extent of that problem for different people are why we have so many different formats / proposals to various complexities of "project" microformats
re: best way to proceed with -example, see the https://microformats.org/wiki/examples page for how to
jamietanna, [chrisaldrich], [jacky], [snarfed] and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /app-examples (+214) "/* Examples */ Add two examples"
(view diff)
[jgarber] joined the channel
☝ Good reminder from the h-x-app conversation from earlier today.
jacky joined the channel