#microformats 2022-10-07
2022-10-07 UTC
jacky and aos joined the channel
# @gatolabo Googleのリッチリザルトテストさんmicroformatsのhentryタイプの構造化データを評価してくれなくなった?Json-LDのArticleは見てくれるけど。
MicrosoftのWebmaster ToolsさんはMicroformatsの検証が壊れてる?
Schema\.orgのスキーマ マークアップ検証ツールさんはhentryも検証してくれる。 (twitter.com/_/status/1578198762929164288)
ur5us and ao3 joined the channel
# [tantek]4 while that may be accurate, is it a useful distinction? or rather, is there some different behavior that one would expect from a recipe crawler finding an "adaptation" in addition to being a "remix"?
[jgarber], gRegorLove_, ur5us, [jeremycherfas], ilyag, barnaby, [snarfed], angelo_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
# KartikPrabhu [jgarber]: p-author if you want the text value, u-author for the URL value. If you want both or more use p-author h-card
# KartikPrabhu consumer of the mf2 data
# KartikPrabhu but you as author can decide what the output of the mf2 will be for consumption
# KartikPrabhu [jgarber]: author can also use u-author h-card
# KartikPrabhu [jgarber]: I would suggest testing a simpler markup in the existing parsers and see how they differ. Best way to see what's going on IMO
# KartikPrabhu that's how I learnt anyway
# KartikPrabhu see: http://pin13.net/mf2/?id=20221007173037750 for p-author h-card vs http://pin13.net/mf2/?id=20221007173124598 for u-author h-card
# barnaby https://indieweb.org/authorship-spec is also relevant
# KartikPrabhu barnaby: would be nice to have consensus on some "simplest" default recommendation
# KartikPrabhu of course people will be free too not use the "defualt"
# KartikPrabhu yes that will be up to the consumer
# barnaby and definitely add it as an example to https://indieweb.org/consent_screen
# [jgarber] From an authoring aide, I updated https://micromicro.cc last night to use “p-author h-card.”
# gRegor Recommend using "h-app", or at least adding that to the classes. Also add/update examples on https://microformats.org/wiki/app-examples
# [jgarber] > Also add/update examples on https://microformats.org/wiki/app-examples
# gRegor Opinion is mixed on -x in the community. I lean towards a vendor prefix being good (like -p3k) but -x tends to stick around and become default. There's an RFC about -x https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6648
# gRegor Kind of related, this discussion for the IndieAuth spec: https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/23
# barnaby re h-app vs h-x-app, the indieauth spec requires h-app https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#application-information
# barnaby [jgarber]: also worth documenting use of author on https://indieweb.org/h-x-app#Properties
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
# jgarber edited /app-examples (+9) "/* micromicro.cc */ Add author to list of properties" (view diff)
angelo and ur5us joined the channel
# jgarber edited /app-examples (+9) "/* indieweb-endpoints.cc */ Add author to list of properties" (view diff)
gRegor, ur5us, [timothy_chambe] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel