#microformats 2022-10-09

2022-10-09 UTC
running classic microformats tests on php-mf2 reminded me of this issue: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/4 It would be great if we could resolve that one, then update microformats/tests as needed.
[tantek] #4 vcp: imply dates should also imply tz if needed
Man, when I work on php-mf2 backcompat, I always have to resist the urge to majorly refactor XD
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
what's the worst that could happen?
Especially with something like hReview https://microformats.org/wiki/h-review#Parser_Compatibility where .fn, .photo, and .url (without a .item) are parsed as a nested h-item
It doesn't currently have an easy way to keep track of that. It's mostly "replace this mf1 class with this mf2 class, then parse as mf2.
That process can also alter the HTML in the parsed e-content, too, since the mf2 classes are added during parsing. (I misspoke above with "replace") Relatively minor, but not ideal.
Example: http://php.microformats.io/?id=20221009004810638 content.html has "p-rating" since the backcompat process adds it, but it's not in the published HTML.
gRegor can relate, last time I had a look at some of the backcompat stuff I got lost figuring out how all the newer parsing code works
so weird to think that php-mf2 still suffers from some of the bad decisions I made when I was 16 xD
Apologies for past me. I think I did most of backcompat() function 😬
it’s the messy mixture of recursion and looping which is most frustrating and hardest to reason about for me
ironically, one of the few commits I ever made to mf2py was correcting its recursive DOM tree walking method
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couldn't resist, trying my hand at it with a fresh look at parsing algorithm
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↩️ Proficiency with HTML5, including semantic HTML5 elements, microformats, and WAI-ARIA Familiarity with 1. CSS prepr… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1578381930759950336
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edited /app-examples (+0) "/* Examples */ Replace icon with logo in list of published properties"
(view diff)
edited /app-examples (+0) "/* Examples */ Sort examples alphabetically"
(view diff)
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