[tantek]totally. I think aaronpk was going to do something that used JS for timezone and then IP-based for fallback similar to that. we discussed it in #indieweb-dev
ur5us, barnaby, gRegorLove_, [manton] and jacky joined the channel
Seirdyso if the u-url is dead, i currently just replace it with the wayback snapshot if one exists. i feel like i should have a "u-archived-copy" (i just made up that microformat) and "p-original-url" ("p" because i wouldn't wanna actually link a non-existent page).
[tantek]it's an interesting brainstorm / use-case. might be worth considering it in the context of h-cite and what would you want an h-cite consuming application to do with the information.
[tantek]as soon as you want to structure something beyond a single property, you need to wrap a minimal object around it. hence h-cite could work for that