#microformats 2022-10-14

2022-10-14 UTC
gRegorLove_, [jeremyfelt], ur5us, petermolnar, gRegor and [tonz] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
that was meant for a diff window 😄
amar1 joined the channel
Hi folks, just wanted to ask: is there such a thing as a "bridge" between h-feeds and RSS/Atom, such that h-feeds get transformed into RSS on-the-fly (no caching needed)? My goal is to use normal RSS readers rather than Microsub clients or similar
barnaby joined the channel
amar1: there are several services for transforming h-feed to RSS/ATOM and various other formats e.g. https://granary.io/
e.g. https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=atom&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwaterpigs.co.uk%2F takes the h-feed on my homepage and converts it to and ATOM feed
Awesome, thanks!!
gRegor joined the channel
I use granary too.
jacky, barnaby and barnaby1 joined the channel
barnaby, are those services listed on the h-feed page? Perhaps in the Implementations section?
barnaby, gRegor, gRegorLove_, jacky and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Trying to clean up abstracts in the @GregoryMS_ database I come across JATS. Another time when we decide to re-invent the wheel. https://jats.niso.org/ Don't get me wrong, all for structured data, just feels like we get the same result with html akin to microformats.
Consumers section on h-feed links to https://indieweb.org/h-feed#Consumers_of_H-Feed, which includes granary
jacky, ur5us and jeremycherfas joined the channel