#microformats 2022-10-18

2022-10-18 UTC
jacky__, strugee, ehmry, ur5us, adstew, gRegorLove_, ur5us_, barnaby, jacky, gRegor, [jeremycherfas], [timothy_chambe] and [aciccarello] joined the channel; pmlnr left the channel
↩️ Wow, those numbers are so different from what I see in usage, they must not go very deep on those domains. I wish microformats was that dead sometimes, it would make some of our handling code a lot simpler. :).
[@rrlevering] Oh Microdata....why do you give me so many problems....human readable HTML annotation and machine-readable http://schema.org specs are always at odds
[manton], ur5us_ and epoch joined the channel
Who knows if that tool they used for parsing in that chart report actually parse for mf2
Also that reply from Ryan Levering is essentially saying their own crawls see a lot more microformats than that chart claims to see
(per his tweets it looks like he works for Google)
The Web Almanac should release the structured data chapter soon.
There is some data in there about microformats usage.
capjamesg, do you know the methodology / code used by "The Web Almanac"?
capjamesg, how would you verify that they are using a compliant (passing tests) mf2 parser to come up with microformats usage?
Good question.
I can ask.
jacky and [snarfed] joined the channel
even if they were only looking at mf1, wordpress includes mf1 by default, so .4% of top 10M sites seems almost certainly wrong
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I'm not involved, just following when it will be released.
jacky joined the channel
[snarfed]++ indeed
[snarfed] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)