#microformats 2022-11-13

2022-11-13 UTC
IWSlackGateway, apk_test, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [Ovi_Demetrian_], [aaronpk], [jacky], ur5us, [tw2113_Slack_], [snarfed], gRegor, [tonz], [pfefferle], janboddez, [manton], foobar1, IWDiscordRelay and mouse[d] joined the channel
↩️ Thinking about adding more activity pub and microformats to my site. Still sturggling with language too... french vs english. But yeah I need to add more to my blogroll
ur5us joined the channel
↩️ But yes, microformats. With a visual cue when you first arrive on the website to know if something has been updated or not. Same thing for blogrolls: visual cue when a post in your blogroll has been updated (would need a db for this I guess).
gRegor joined the channel
edited /rel-me (+169) "+IA archive link, use <syntaxhighlight> tag instead of <source>, move To Be Updated section after reviewed content"
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TIL: syntaxhighlight mediawiki tag
how new is that?
The Google reference here, was that just Google Plus profiles? https://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me#implementations
[tantek], MW 1.16+ apparently. When I was editing, the preview showed it in a category with deprecated tags (forget the exact terminology), which led me to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SyntaxHighlight
"Category: Pages using deprecated source tags"
edited /rel-me (+73) "Google Profiles used to use rel-me, IA link, move to past implementations"
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App.net is past too
Shutdown 2017-03-14
edited /h-resume (+33) "s/<source>/<syntaxhighlight>/"
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edited /h-product (+46) "s/<source>/<syntaxhighlight>/"
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edited /h-listing (+11) "s/<source>/<syntaxhighlight>/"
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edited /rel-tag (+111) "s/<source>/<syntaxhighlight>/"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
[Gregor] Google profiles preceeded G+ - it shipped in 2007 and was part of the next few attempts at social there, though G+ shutting down killed the public part