#Seirdyobv the links should be inside the h-entry and outside e-content
#Seirdybut do they really belong in the <article class="h-entry"> element?
#Seirdyi think they should belong there, but then should they be in a <section> or an <aside>
#Seirdyi know WHATWG recently adjusted the meaning of <aside>
#Seirdyso it doesn't have to be a top-level element. i think that the synd links should be excluded from "reader mode" and <aside> is the most reliable way to do that. but they are related to the article, so they should be a <section>. but they're also external links that aren't really about the content of the article, but about the article itself; sort of like a "further reading" widget which would
#Seirdyso would you say that comments, likes, and syndication links belong in the <article> element, or in a section after the <article> element?
#Seirdyi'm tempted to make a big fat section called "interact" with "syndication" and "webmention" sections; the webmention section could contain comments and mentions (not interested in likes).
#Seirdyyes i've seen that but im wondering if i should make the h-entry an <article>, or if i should make an <article> a child of the h-entry that excludes the interactions.
#[tantek]since <article> is supposed to include <header> and <footer> elements, my understanding is that <article> is meant for more than just the "content"
#[tantek]and so is h-entry, since it has the e-content property for the content
#gRegorAh, didn't know that about <article> with header and footer
#gRegorDo any clients/browsers do anything special with that "supposed to" though?