#microformats 2022-12-04

2022-12-04 UTC
gRegor, [asuh], ur5us, sebbu2, [benji], tiim, tiim1, [Michelle_Moore], [jacky], [benatwork] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
re: bootstrap, I'm also very -eh- about it
it _would_ be cool if someone made a 'universal' interface and used something like `<button type=submit formaction='$LANG.microformats.io">Parse with $LANG`
regrets saying it b/c it _is_ not too hard to do 😬
Seirdy0, ur5us, jamietanna, tiim, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and Seirdy joined the channel
is there a microformat for pronouns? i know there's the one for gender identity
048AAHB0F joined the channel
what are pronouns
there's a lot of info about it on that page
I also like how https://wiki.zegnat.net/microformats/pronoun lays it out (used as inspo for marking up my own page)
Seirdy joined the channel
so just adding a u-pronoun class?