#microformats 2022-12-11

2022-12-11 UTC
quarky[m] joined the channel
why aren't people doing fancier things with mastodon? like, you have a lot more in the way of text space in messages, why arent we seeing a flourishing of client-to-client oriented microformats???????
yo - I'm not super involved in the microformats/indieweb sphere, so sorry if this is the wrong place, but I wrote a post abt the state of gender+pronouns tagging in h-cards https://heyquark.com/general/2022/12/10/hcard-pronouns/
[preview] h-card really needs to fix their whole gender thing
gRegor joined the channel
This is the right place, and thanks for sharing the post! Pronouns haven't advanced too much in the spec in part due to the language complexities and no consuming examples, so it's mostly experimenting currently. Nice thing about mf2 is that it will parse anything with the correct prefixes, so can easily experiment with whichever ones make the most sense
So you can definitely use p-gender to parse it as a plain text value. u-gender would parse a URL if you were linking to a page, similar to the old pronoun.is site
I think you want p-pronoun in your example, and could probably do it without the <abbr>. Example: http://php.microformats.io/?id=20221211035738963
Here's an example I added p-gender to: http://php.microformats.io/?id=20221211040042497
sebbu2, ur5us and GWG joined the channel
I might go with p-gender, seems alright!
I'd like to keep the abbrs for human users though, so they don't confuse the syntax (she/hers vs. she/they; does "they" replace "hers"?) but I spose I should check how it actually renders before I dismiss it
a, gRegor, GWG, barnaby and GWG- joined the channel
unfortunate mf2 implied property failure: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/342
she's on Wordpress, trying to use Bridgy Fed, and her theme evidently doesn't render any post permalinks, so when she puts the https://fed.brid.gy/ link into her post, it's the onl link there, so mf2 parsers make it the u-url, which obviously then confuses her
[preview] [tmichellemoore] #342 Post HTML
aaronpk and [jacky] joined the channel
^ looks like this was discussed and improved in https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/36, which was good, but not quite enough to prevent/fix this case 🤷
[preview] [sknebel] #36 Falsely implied u-url
btrem joined the channel
snarfed, though an h-entry without a u-url permalink is odd/uncommon, it's probably something we should handle (use-case, many h-entry posts on a single page without specific permalinks). could you capture a minimized version of the markup causing this to the issue?
to 342 that is
it's probably worth adding a warning for to indiewebify.me (lack of a u-url permalink, i.e. on the same domain as the h-entry)
also maybe I'm missing something, but I didn't see a link to the h-entry in that issue either
without either of those (link to the h-entry with the problem, and/or markup from the h-entry with the problem), it's hard to verify whether implied u-url is at fault or not
ur5us, [tw2113_Slack_], [aciccarello] and barnaby joined the channel
agreed! I've added example URL, HTML, and mf2 to both issues
looks like she was hand crafting them, so they're very minimal
[jacky] I'm having trouble getting a local instance of microformats-parser-website-node going. I'm not familiar with yarn. With 11ty, I use npm with package.lock. For this repo, should I be using yarn 1.x? Yarn 2?
thanks snarfed. I think the workaround (and maybe longer term solution) for this (and perhaps other Bridgy uses of Webmention as an API) would be to add a special classname to such "bridgy-only" webmention links, similar to the use of Bridgy classnames for Bridgy Publish silo-specific summaries.
that would at least help guard against this kind of test example
another mitigation we can explore is if there are any "e-*" classnames, then don't do any implying of any properties, as it would be quite odd for a microformat to only specify an e-* property and still want implying of other properties (can't think of any use-cases for that).
btrem: yarn 2, yeah