btrem[jacky] Sorry I'm still having trouble getting mf parser node website going. After I clone the repo, what is the next step? Normally, I'd do `npm install` but as this uses yarn, I can't figure out the command. Whatever I type winds up cuing git that there are changes, which makes me think I'm doing something wrong.
strugee_, ur5us, gRegor, Phoenix1, tiim, ur5us_, [manton]1, [benatwork]1, jeremycherfas and barnaby joined the channel
[KevinMarks]Mastodon's web app wouldn't let me post something with email addresses in yesterday (presumably because it couldn't confirm them as mastodon acct references)
barnabytbh I’m a little surprised that mastodon IDs looking like email addresses hasn’t caused more problems already. It’s not something I’ve seen come up in any of the criticism I’ve read yet
barnabyI vaguely remember people pointing out that webfinger IDs looking like email addresses but working completely differently could be a problem years ago, but it doesn’t seem like that’s materialised yet in the current wave of interest
btremThe mf node parser website does not parse an html snippet. It returns "No options.node or options.html was provided and no document object could be found." It does parse web pages by url.