#[jacky]hm but if it's merged into `main`, it should be there
#aaronpkmy thought is to set up the .dev on all the heroku apps, then move the .io to hosting that sends a permanent redirect to the .dev address, and leave that up until the domain expires in 2026
#Zegnat[jacky]: my branch targetted the next branch, not the main branch, because next was set as the default branch for microformats-parser-website-node
tiim, gRegor, ur5us__, [pfefferle] and rupl joined the channel
#[jacky]next being what's landed and main being deployable commits
#[jacky]tbh that's a personal preference which has no bearing here
#[jacky]very down to 1) remove next and 2) make main sole branch
#[jacky]maybe even turn on that you-shall-not-pass-without-passing-tests flag
#ZegnatI think if we want it to be maintainable by many, not having any fixed flows or branch names is a big plus. And tests too, of course. But not sure what the important test for this one is … puppeteer?
#[jacky]I want to believe we can even get away with something even smaller than that (if we're scoping it to confirming that a payload comes out as expected kind of stuff since the next viable page is JSON)
#[jacky]smaller than puppeteer (because IIRC, that involves headless web browsers)
#[jacky]Loqi, if I wanted to set a reminder, how would I do that?
#barnaby[x] [time units] until [text of your reminder]