[tantek]the request was submitted by [ben_thatmustbe] and I'm inclined to accept it for all repos unless there's a reason to be cautious/suspicious of it
[tantek]I think perhaps [ben_thatmustbe] first asked for the Travis CI install in order for the change to not upset the build checks, but then decided to merge anyway?
[tantek]ok. weird that I can't "reject" the request. I can only "cancel" from the request URL. but can still accidentally click it in the future to try again
[jgarber]Someone may have requested accidentally or otherwise that Travis be authorized for the org? That may have been what triggered the emails y’all received?
[jgarber]Oh, I vaguely recall Ben using some of my GitHub Actions work as a base for the CI workflow in the microformats-ruby repo. That’s why it looks familiar. 😂
[0x3b0b]...I think someone mentioned something at $dayjob today about a piece of software seeming to be made entirely of edge cases, so that gave me a chuckle
[aciccarello]Well my bridgy-fed posting appears to have not been working. webmention.app was ignoring the bridgy fed URLs because they were outside of e-content.