#microformats 2023-02-08

2023-02-08 UTC
↩️ 不到兩個月的時間內,Mastodon 月活躍用戶從38萬攀升至250多萬,又降回140萬,許多新用戶抱怨「很難用」。 是事實,此波震盪最重要的並非尋找一個推特替代品,而是如何讓 ActivityPub 互通各類 microformats 網路原生內容的環境成形。 The Mastodon Bump Is Now a Slump https://bit.ly/3RGRYeO
angelo joined the channel
Right. Carrots it is.
angelo, ur5us, ur5us_, gRegor, janboddez, [dave], [pfefferle], [tantek], [tw2113_Slack_], IWSlackGateway, ehmry, [snarfed], [manton] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I found a use-case for keeping *some* relative links relative in e-content: footnotes
[hollie] joined the channel
e.g. an inline footnote fragment link to its note expansion elsewhere (near the bottom) of the e-content, which then may have a fragment link back to the inline reference. that would ideally still "work" as fragment links to scroll up/down into view accordingly, even if that e-content made its way into a feed reader, or say Mastodon
are they fragment-only links?
I mean yes
that seems doable as a parsing heuristic
really funny to be solving these two different (seemingly unrelated) problems at the same and find a connection
also, fragement-only links inside an e-content can be reasonably expected to reference other things in the e-content, in general (whether footnotes or others), so keeping them fragment-only makes sense
I forgot the issue number
will update the proposed resolution
edited /microformats2-parsing (+103) "editorial: s/whitespace/spaces, and add note in HTML parsing rules clarifying existing meaning of 'spaces' meaning HTML collapsible blank spaces (which is what’s implemented)"
(view diff)
edited /microformats2-parsing (+195) "Proposed for e- parsing, normalized absolute URLs in all URL attributes except those with fragment only values, to solve issue 38 and allow for relative links to *inside* e-* properties to keep working in embedded use-cases"
(view diff)
^ [snarfed] gRegor Zegnat proposed way of resolving https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/38 while preserving a very useful e-* property embedding feature (relative links within the e-* value itself), use-case: https://indieweb.org/footnotes 🙂
[preview] [willnorris] #38 resolve relative URLs in e-* html
[jamietanna] joined the channel
[will] also
Hm, what if the reader has 2+ posts with the same fragment? You were talking about making yours something like #note-{number} right? so they would repeat among different posts.
no you missed the detail about a prefix
search for "concatenating prefix param" here https://indieweb.org/footnote
each of my posts will have unique prefix params to solve that problem, probably based on the newbase60 compression of the date and the post number
From the parser impl perspective, it seems more difficult to only make some links absolute. Not a lot more difficult, but some amount.
a little yeah you have to add an if check for the attribute starting with '#'
and not just a reader having 2+ posts, this needs to work on my home page 🙂
Not sure, my initial thinking is I would expect clicking a link in a reader to take me to another page, not jump within the reader itself.
And same for masto
it is a bit odd when the footnotes are actually links, yes
But really I've only experienced reading your posts in a reader
I think it's distracting if trying to view a footnote changes your reading context
this is kinda new territory as I don't think many (any?) blogs have supported this sort of behavior in readers etc.
so some amount of expectation changes can be expected. I like that the small unicode number hints at, this is a very small link and may just do something a little different than clicking a whole big hyperlink URL or word/phrase which will navigate you
so the tradeoff seems to be, pro: keeping fragment links within the current embedding is nicer than loading the separate original page
con: that experience is going to be brittle and inconsistent in practice, due to sanitization varying widely, fragment destinations hidden in collapsed longer posts, etc
given that tradeoff, I think I lightly lean toward fully qualifying fragment links
but only lightly
then you end up with the weird mastodon thing of relative links to the cached full link on the original instance
not sure how you unwrap that, but it is probably what is breaking the inline ones
ur5us_ and [schmarty] joined the channel
hence per #indieweb-dev the opportunity for experimenting and learning!
[aciccarello], [asuh] and barnaby joined the channel