#microformats 2023-04-20

2023-04-20 UTC
[pfefferle], [aciccarello], [dave], btrem and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
Do any indieweb tools support RDFa or Microdata instead of or alongside Microformats? It seems like they’re largely dismissed in indieweb circles but I’d love to see any record of discussions surrounding them
There’s a little on the wiki but it’s mostly quick or even snarky commentary that’s seems to treat it as a decided issue
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
is there a specific use-case you need them for?
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
Thinking through a possible blog post on “the problem with microformats” and want a good sense of the general ecosystem outside microformats. (Specifically, microformats depend on particular nesting of DOM elements that doesn’t always align with design/CSS needs)
[keithjgrant] you may be interested in https://microformats.org/wiki/metaformats then
[snarfed] joined the channel
[preview] Tantek Çelik
I'm glad I asked because that "particular nesting of DOM elements" challenge would equally (or worse) apply to RDFa and Microdata, so neither would help address the challenge you're looking into
Microdata has been abandoned by everyone who previously supported it. RDFa is similarly pretty dead, left behind by its advocates for JSON-LD.
Neither provides any advantages over mf2, and significant disadvantages, so it's unsurprising that you're not finding much tools support.
Okay cool. I’ll have to read up on metaformats. Are they starting to catch on? Or still early?
↩️ It reminds me of hAtom and microformats: "human readable first, machine readable second" — but that means something else now. Human readable is now machine readable?
sivoais, gRegor, ur5us_, btrem, [jeremycherfas], notdave, [capjamesg], [KevinMarks], sebbu, [chrisbergr], [campegg], [jacky], CourtneyR_Dev, [pfefferle], [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_] and [manton] joined the channel