#microformats 2023-05-09

2023-05-09 UTC
KMF, IWSlackGateway, btrem, [tantek], [Ana_Rodrigues], plantroon, [jamietanna], [KevinMarks] and [jacky] joined the channel
just noticing that there might be either a bug in the mf2 parser for Rust or the PHP one
when looking for the syndication URL of that post
the PHP one resolves it to be the URL of the page where the Rust parser finds both of the expected syndication links
I'm not _immediately_ thinking the PHP one might be off but it is confusing me (and would like another eye at the source of https://jacky.wtf/2023/5/tAyd whenever someone has time
[preview] Why I Retired my Webmention Server
xray is not (just) an mf2 parser
it might fail because its using worse HTML parser
or because its postprocessing of the mf2 does weirdness
but with the good parser looking at its output directly its fine
that is weird
but yes this looks like an xray bug nothing to do with the microformats parsers
is xray using the masterminds html parser?
i believe so
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
hmm would indienews be using xray as well?
[snarfed], [manton], [tw2113_Slack_], gRegor, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and KMF joined the channel