#microformats 2023-05-21

2023-05-21 UTC
gRegor, cdravcte, ur5us, sebbu2, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], [chrisbergr], gRegorLove_, [tantek], [schmarty], jeremycherfas and reesericci joined the channel
Have there been discussions on a h-chat-status property for h-card?
The idea is a property where you specify a URI that points to something someone can use to contact you.
h-chat-status would be "hey, I'm free" and that would tell someone that you are free to chat.
Use case: Angelo and I both support video chat on our sites. If we published this, I could have a list that shows "hey, we're both free to chat!"
And before answering my first question, I should ask: can we do this with existing properties? :D
Tantek's contact experiments fit
What are contacts?
[preview] Tantek Çelik
capjamesg, see https://indieweb.org/contact for more examples. I believe someone even used APIs to indicate presence info on each method of contact
And before you jump to properties questions, design and implement a UX first to indicate your presence visually to users
Then document that UX in your entry in the IndieWeb Examples section of /contact
[aciccarello] and ur5us joined the channel
After you post chat status you should make a list of them so you can look back at the history of your chat statuses oh wait we reinvented twitter
My chat status would either be "available" or "not available"
In this case, it would be nice to say "oh, X is available!" and have a link to their website to join a call they are hosting.
sorry that was an AOL instant messenger joke
gRegor joined the channel