#microformats 2023-07-10

2023-07-10 UTC
[timothy_chambe], angelo, [KevinMarks], jeremy, gRegorLove_, ehmry, btrem, [jamietanna] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Would it be possible to get the Ruby parser back online?
Well, I'm certainly finding a lot of bugs...
[jacky], [manton] and [jgarber] joined the channel
For clarification, do you mean the website at: http://ruby.microformats.io …?
Hazarding a guess based on the README (https://github.com/microformats/microformats-parser-website-ruby)… the website may have gotten caught up in the Heroku free tier changes from last year?
[preview] [microformats] microformats-parser-website-ruby: Website for Microformats Ruby parser
No doubt bugs and vulnerable dependencies abound based on the commit history. 😭
[aaronpk] Do you recall much about how the Ruby parser website is managed these days and/or how someone might go about getting it up-and-running?
it’s been on a paid plan, i don’t know why it’s not working, it should be
`curl` eventually returns a bit of HTML representing an “Application Error” page. The body is entirely an `iframe` pointing at `http://www.herokucdn.com/error-pages/application-error.html`.
`curl --head` comes back with a 503 Service Unavailable.
huh k, will need to look at heroku logs then
btrem joined the channel
[preview] [Zegnat] #3 Swap querystring for body-parser
I just got "Internal Server Error" trying to parse an HTML snippet input on node.microformats.io
That looks reasonable. Express understands POST bodies now