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#cobypearHi. Probably a silly question, but is there a library out there that converts microformat JSON back into HTML? Or is that usually a bespoke thing that most people handle on their own?
#[KevinMarks]Sure, it's also the appengine migration that is annoying. Most of the code is in the templates really, but it does use appengine features for caching. What's a good way to host a python app these days?
#[KevinMarks]It would be a pain as a lambda based app because it's mainly blocked on fetching sites
#cobypearHi IWDiscord. Right now I'm saving webmention replies as HTML but I want to save the parsed JSON instead so I can have a bit better control of the output when displaying the webmentions. Thanks KevinMarks that is helpful!
#[KevinMarks]The challenge is how general to be. Are you saving source html, or mf2 parsed into json?
#[KevinMarks]The mf2 can come out a lot of different ways depending on markup choices so you often need to go through it looking for the bits you know how to render
#cobypearI am saving plain HTML now but I want to save the mf2 parsed json to get cleaner output on my frontend. I figured it would need to be custom. That template you [KevinMarks] shared helps me get a good starting point though.