#sarajaksaI have a question as part of my preparation for the Send a Friend a Webmention Day this weekend. I was wondering, if there is microformats to indicate, that some post was dedicated or gifted to somebody?
#sarajaksa My use case is, that for the Webmention day, I am hoping to finish a story, based on the concept shared by James in one of the previous Homebrew club. I want to dedicate the story to him, but I don't know what is the IndieWeb/microformats way to do this. I am also no using this functionality on other sites, since I don't know how to mark it.
#sarajaksaBasically, I want to have somehow in the HTML structure, to indicate that something was a gift in the same way of how Archive of Our Own is implementing gifts. This is an example of the gifts, that are dedicated to the Elon Musk: https://archiveofourown.org/gifts?recipient=Elon+Musk (Even though I am certain, that Elon does not have an account on that site)
gRegor and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#Zegnatsarajaksa: interesting! I do not think gifts have been discussed as something that needs to be discoverable from the HTML. I had not seen AO3s implementation, but that is some fun prior art to think about!
[schmarty], [snarfed] and ari1 joined the channel
#[snarfed][Joel_Auterson] and I have been debugging the mf2 parsing behavior where it replaces <img>s in e-*/p-* with their alt text or src. looks like it's not new parsing behavior, but it still surprised him/us a bit. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1527
#Loqi[preview] [JoelOtter] #1527 Using silo-specific content breaks formatting
#jkingwebI just wrote some tests for that very thing today.
#jkingwebUnfortunately no two implementations did the same thing.
#jkingwebFor what it's worth the lack of space around substituted alt-text is consistent with what browsers do. If you don't put any space around the image or inside the alt-text, the browser won't insert any.
#jkingweb`<img alt="*" src="http://invalid.invalid/">Foo` renders as `*Foo` in both Chrome and Firefox.
btrem and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]That is correct and the intent and a good reason to explicitly include space(s) or punctuation inside alt text if you need it adjacent to the surrounding content.
#[tantek](literally why I started writing many img alt texts as a sentence ending with a period!)
#jkingwebAs I understand, though, both php-mf2 and mf2py implement the *other* text massaging algorithm, which does things differently and actually trims alt-text.
#jkingwebIt does not, if my understanding of English grammar is corect. The clause about wrapping in spaces is to the one side of a semicolon, which makes it only applies to the src case, not the alt case (or the absence-of-either-attribute case).
#jkingwebThat URL resolution is mentioned _after_ adding spaces also re0inforces this.
#gRegorI think that's a typo. I think the intent is to get the alt or src value, wrap the result in spaces
#jkingwebThe history says you wrote it, so I can't argue too strongly. 😛
#gRegorhaha, it's definitely a confusing sentence that should be clarified :)
#Loqi[preview] [Zegnat] #17 Define removal of SCRIPT and STYLE elements everywhere textContent is requested.
#jkingwebBut like I said: the src-only interpretation is consistent with the substitution browsers do, so I think it should probably be what mf2 does as well.
#gRegorQuite possibly. I think my reading would cause issues when `alt=""`, parsing it as two blank spaces, so I might be misremembering. 2018 was too long ago. XD
IWSlackGateway, [aciccarello], [pfefferle], [tantek], [schmarty], [snarfed] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel