#microformats 2023-08-11

2023-08-11 UTC
[tantek], [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway, btrem, [aciccarello], [Jo], gRegor, eitilt and [snarfed] joined the channel
edited /rel-me (+136) "/* implementations */ +Threads"
(view diff)
More than annnounced, "shipped" right?
has anyone gotten that to work with their own site via Bridgy Fed?
E.g. my Threads profile already links to my domain
Anyone view source on their Threads profile and find the rel=me link?
Anyone add a rel=me link from their home page to their Threads profile?
Then ping Bridgy Fed with your home page
Then see if your profile when viewed on a logged in Mastodon account shows your Threads profile as [green background verified] ✅ ?
👀 should hopefully work if you have both the Threads => homepage link and homepage => Threads profile link...
Wait is Threads federating now? I thought they were still an island, hadn't tried with BF yet
They have rel=me as a link header
Or do you mean rel-me verification on Mastodon via BF? I did finally see mine show up as verified on one instance, need to find which one
Think it was indieweb.social, https://indieweb.social/@gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com has the green check.
[preview] gRegor Morrill
right, the only change here is Threads adding rel=me to profile links. tiny change, but it is a nice nod toward caring about fediverse, open web, etc
So where do we push them to verify links back to them and display them?
eitilt joined the channel
evidently on Threads? that's where [timothy_chambe] successfully asked for rel=me in the first place
eitilt joined the channel