#microformats 2023-09-06

2023-09-06 UTC
The_Decryptor, yolk, [tw2113_Slack_], btrem, IWSlackGateway1, [tw2113_Slack_]1, [Ana_R], [jgarber] and [jacky] joined the channel
btrem joined the channel
There is I believe a significant number of consumers of hCard (mf1) that don't understand h-card (mf2), so I often use back-compat class names with my h-card markup. Is the same true of hResume vs. h-resume? Should I include back-compat class names with my h-resume?
btrem1 joined the channel
btrem out of curiosity, what are some examples of those consumers?
(esp ones that you care about?)
AFAIK, Google consumes h-card but not hCard. Am I wrong about that?
I sort of assume that other search engines do the same, but I don't know for sure.
you mean hCard but not h-card?
Damit, yes, that's what I meant. Sorry.
And looking at my comment above, perhaps I should have said "a number of significant consumers" and not "a significant number of consumers." That's more accurate of what I think the situation is.
At the end of the day, I'm wondering if there are significant consumers of hResume that don't consume h-resume. IOW, should I continue to use backcomat class names like `summary` and `vcard`?
https://microformats.org/wiki/hresume#Implementations has (old) hResume consumers...but the usual advice is, don't add markup until you have a consumer you actually care about
Well, the markup is actually there already, because I was following the advice on the mf wiki when I first made the page. I'm updating my resume atm, and some of those class attributes are rather long. But I guess I'll leave them there for now.
[schmarty] joined the channel