[aimee]I’ve just deployed this to a personal heroku app, and it works fine there. Without access to the heroku app itself, I can only assume there has been a problem with the deployment
aaronpksomeone familiar with the project should let me know if i should switch the auto-deploy to "next" or if that branch should get merged into "main" instead
[aimee]Oh I think I’ve worked it out, looking at the git history, there is a release process done by merging `next` into `main` with a version update, looks like it hasn’t been done for the last few releases. I can get this done 👍
[aimee]Thanks for bringing it up [gRegorLove]. I did notice that any error thrown is swallowed up by and internal server error - I’ll also create an issue to output any parser errors so it’s at least not a mystery
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