#microformats 2023-09-23

2023-09-23 UTC
I think there's a github issue for php-mf2 (which indiewebify.me uses) balking at pages with a lot of h-*. Haven't had a chance to look in depth
oh, I misread a bit. IWM does some extra steps after the parse like representative h-card, so it might be at that level
The parsed h-card doesn't have any properties though, just children
See `"type": ["h-card", "h-full"], "properties": {}` in the php.microformats.io parse
After the h-card is opened, you have an intervening element with `h-full` on it, which gets parsed as a nested microformat inside the h-card. Inside that h-full is where your h-card properties are.
This is more what it should look like. Removed the h-full and removed some extra HTML not needed for the demo: http://php.microformats.io/?id=20230923001113257
There is a parsing discussion about Tailwind's h-* prefixes https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/59
[preview] [tommorris] #59 Ignore Tailwind's h- prefixes
gRegor: Were you referring to this guy?
[preview] [osthafen] #247 This HTML fragment produces an endless loop in public function parse_recursive
Yeah, though turns out not related to the above
i had a hell of a time just figuring out it wasn't, in fact, an endless loop. php-mf2 just ends up doing (19!) iterations (at least I think it does) of the recursive parse function, so it takes an age. Not sure how to fi it, though.
this was shared in IndieWeb #indieweb-dev channel and it likely applies to folks here too: https://survey.devographics.com/en-US/survey/state-of-html/2023
IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], schmarty, IWSlackGateway1, [schmarty], [tantek] and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel