[jacky]Has anyone considered making a "visual debugger" for Microformats? Something that takes in HTML and shows the JSON below. You could click on elements above and it'll show you what JSON node it refers to
[jacky]Thinking about this because I'm working on making my site's theme again from scratch and because I am bored, it has a "linting" tool depending on what page it should be showing (like if it's meant to be an archive, it looks for a h-feed and for pagination links, or if it's a reply, it optionally checks if there's reply-info and requires author info to be present)
sknebelit would need digging that feature pretty deep into a parser, I tried getting useful infrastructure for that into mf2py once and didnt like the result
[jacky]What I'm thinking of doing is adding some sort of decorative property to anything that could be referenced from HTML via its XPath from the provided document