#microformats 2023-10-18

2023-10-18 UTC
gRegorLove_, strugee_, [0x3b0b], gRegor, [pfefferle], hoschi-it, [tantek], [manton], [Jo], strk, [chrisaldrich], [marksuth], angelo, milkii and btrem joined the channel
Slightly off topic, regarding a recent comment on `img` `alt`: https://chat.indieweb.org/microformats/2023-10-17/1697569472231000
[preview] [btrem] Here's an explicit proscription from the WHATWG spec: "It is important to realize that the alternative text is a replacement for the image, not a description of the image." So I think the MDN page is simply wrong, and I might just file an issue to ha...
[preview] [btrem] #29710 fix: corrects information on alt attribute
[schmarty], [aciccarello] and angelo joined the channel
btrem has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
My understanding is that there are still disagreements between the HTML spec and accessibility experts as to what works best with screen readers and such, and that MDN has tried to take those broader perspectives into consideration beyond the prose in the HTML spec
btrem, gRegor, Iā€™m curious if there are any issues on HTML specifically to do with the absence/presence of alt or use/interpretation of alt="" (I haven't checked yet, on mobile)