#microformats 2023-10-20

2023-10-20 UTC
Renfield, sebbu, gRegorLove_ and [tantek] joined the channel
There's also the yearless date, e.g. many birthdays or holidays/anniversaries are entered with just the month and the day, which in ISO8601 is something like --03-17
I'd lean towards keeping Z bc it's such a common use case and likely worth the brevity vs slightly more consuming code trade-off, though I’m sympathetic to that too
Yearless date is not something currently accepted by VCP parsing, though, unless I'm grossly misreading.
vcp supports less formats, yes. but the change should not break any of the otherwise possible formats (e.g. whats in HTML spec as datetime values)
I think the framing should be something like "if temporary value matches the following pattern, normalize it as follows: <> if this other pattern, as follows: <> otherwise, pass through unchanged"
which then cleanly leaves everything not specifically handled alone
I dont think there are cases where there is a risk of confusing formats, luckily
Indeed I don't think we have seen any use cases for vcp for yearless dates so therefore we haven't designed any
vcp also predates the time and data elements so it's likely we can provide better authoring guidance
[manton], eitilt, [benatwork], [schmarty], ehmry and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel