#microformats 2023-11-03
2023-11-03 UTC
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[Murray] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I know music metadata has been through a few iterations recently, with Apple making a classical music specific player for example. Are you seeing uptake for more specific fields than the old mp3 ones? It may be worth another try at mapping and converging the existing ones in use at least.

ancarda joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] if I was going to re-explore this today, I'd (re)start at https://microformats.org/wiki/media-info and create a "media-info-use-cases" page to first document what the user flow scenarios are that we'd want to support/enable (e.g. podcasting, sharing media playlists, etc.)

[timothy_chambe] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] excited about this discussion! one thing i personally would love support for is "media alternatives" or whatever the appropriate term is. subtitle and caption tracks for video, multi-lingual audio tracks and audio description tracks, and maybe even ways to denote things like "this mp3 is an audio-only alternative to this video".

gRegorLove_ and neceve joined the channel
[schmarty] yep. i don't think i've contributed like that in the past on the mf wiki. maybe i can start it as a blog post?

[nsmsn] and m5zs7k joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Is there better structured data on bandcamp than on the streaming silos? I know this is a very long running contentious space, with musicbrainz and cddb as the previous open vs clsed examples, but i don't know how it has changed in the last decade or so

gRegor and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
fluffy.critter reposting what I wrote on slack so it actually appears to others
fluffy.critter original posts:
fluffy.critter Has anyone put any amount of thought into mf2 markup for music stuff? I wrote a new accessibility-focused embeddable music player (https://github.com/fluffy-critter/camptown) and I’d love to add microformats to it, but there’s not a lot of ideas beyond vague handwaving on the wiki.
IWDiscord <fluffy.critter#0>
IWDiscord <fluffy.critter#0>
fluffy.critter yeah I remember the old del.icio.us playtagger (which later became the Yahoo! media player) used h-track as a signal to the player for which things should get a play button. At the time I didn’t realize that was a microformat.
fluffy.critter 8:50
fluffy.critter Music albums are different than podcasts/audio blog posts, though.
fluffy.critter 8:51
fluffy.critter I’m thinking h-album for the album as a whole, h-track for the individual tracks, and h-card for the artist information. Is that plausible? And then attributes like p-duration and p-title and so on.
fluffy.critter 8:52
fluffy.critter My player also supports lyrics (which I suppose would be p-lyrics ) and extended information including markup (so e-content or something)
fluffy.critter 8:54
fluffy.critter h-album might be too generic though, like, the word “album” could also refer to a photo album
fluffy.critter and in response to Kevinmarks:
fluffy.critter there are userscripts that people use to basically screenscrape bandcamp to import data into musicbrainz
fluffy.critter bandcamp provides no structured data 😕
fluffy.critter My concern with using h-entry to represent an album is that a music album is a fundamentally different thing from a blog post/article.
fluffy.critter Like you can write a post about an album but the album itself is its own unit of data. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the genericity of h-entry though.
fluffy.critter also I’m not sure how u-enclosure would work for this case? Like, the album as a whole is what’s being enclosed, but it’s comprised by a bunch of separate audio files, but the audio files themselves have a bunch of structured data as well.
fluffy.critter I guess my question is: what should be the top-level container for the album as a whole, and what should be the container for each track?
_fluffy, gRegor, [tantek] and neceve joined the channel
_fluffy Here's an example album (without any iframes/embeds), if that helps any: https://cdn.sockpuppet.us/refactor/

gRegor Not a direct use-case, but I could see it being useful to plug into a translator like Granary, microformats -> XSPF playlist https://www.xspf.org/. Apparently they have JSON JSPF now, even.