#microformats 2023-11-15

2023-11-15 UTC
Renfield joined the channel
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have any other parsers added this in the mean time or worked on it? https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/38
(question just came up if we can/should release mf2py with it or not /cc angelogladding)
good question: would need to add a test for that
looks like the Rust parser autoexpands using `<base>`
how frowned upon would it be to _not_ support mf1?
I think it's ok to include it optionally
we may want to consider metaformats support similarly
("include it optionally" - thats a response to jacky or to #38?)
I should write up how I implemented the JS parser's metaformats. That's under an experimental flag.
sknebel to [jacky]. I think #38 makes a lot of sense
I agree
also I'm not seeing any downsides to supporting 38 experimentally in parsers, even by default
aciccarello yes please!
My parser normalizes URLs in e- markup. Coming from a feed use case it seemed a no-brainer. The list of attributes it examines is pretty narrow; I still need to expand that.
I think the microfomats-node JS package already handles relative URLs from the 1 page I tested.
yolk, [jeremycherfas], IWSlackGateway, [Murray], [KevinMarks], JSharp, omz13, [benatwork], [tantek], eitilt, [jacky], [schmarty], [aciccarello], [marksuth], [nsmsn], [bjoern], gRegorLove_, [snarfed], eitilt1, [chrisaldrich], saptaks and [0x3b0b] joined the channel