#microformats 2023-11-22

2023-11-22 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
One of these days, I'd want to sit down and read the code for some of these parsers, especially ones with full compat]
I'm kind of stuck with the Rust parser but I'd first want to put up a list of the failing tests to help figure out how to fix them
angelo, plantroon, [sebsel] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
The python one does it by looking for the mf1 classes and adding the equivalent mf2 ones to the elements, and then running the mf2 parser. This isn't necessarily the most efficient way, but it does make it easier to add new mappings (eg I hacked it to translate BBC recipes to h-recipe at one point)
gRegorLove_, jeremy, [marksuth], barnaby, [jacky], [Joe_Crawford] and [tw2113] joined the channel