#microformats 2023-11-30

2023-11-30 UTC
[jgarber] joined the channel
angelo looks like all of yours on https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/pulls except the top few are reviewed. feel free to merge?
mf2py has 1 karma over the last year
i'll get to it tonight
[0x3b0b], m5zs7k, [jamietanna], Guest6, [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] just fyi looks like the mf2py maintainers have soft decided that metaformats is better as an external extension to mf2py, not directly included: https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/pull/213#issuecomment-1831670791
(that's ok with me, I don't have much opinion either way yet)
I pushed for it to be included in the node parser so it can reuse the same parsed document. But it's not strictly necessary.
oh dang more reason for me to get this library fixed up
it'll be packaged for debian!
but hadn't started it yet
[aciccarello]: hence the suggestion of it being an extension and not a standalone thing
Ah, I didn't understand the mf2py project structure supported that kind of extension. I get it now.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
it doesn't, yet
[snarfed]: is it actually missing something? If my suggestion of deriving a modified parser doesn't work out of the box we should fix whatever you need to do that
oh no your suggestion works fine! I just meant that mf2py doesn't have some explicit built in plugin framework
but you're right that it does support extension implicitly
at least for what I did. I don't know how easy it would be to implement the https://microformats.org/wiki/metaformats#parsing_an_element_for_properties part, even in a subclass
(I didn't do that part)
since meta tags and metaformats are such a simplified / reduced case of HTML parsing, I expect we may even see metaformats-only parsers that could be optionally integrated into whole document mf2 parsers
sebbu2 joined the channel
snarfed We're going to merge your code.
[preview] Spotify Wrapped. A year of one's music in review, packaged into a delightful, colourful interactive experience. I saw someone post their Spotify Wrapped and almost immediately went to Spotify, wondering if mine was ready. It was. I skipped through mo...
^ capjamesg perhaps you meant that for #indieweb 🙂
[tantek] No.
We are deciding on an example in the mf2py README.
We were trying to find one that contains different attributes (i.e. featured).
And the alt text for featured!
Parody account idea for you capjamesg: SwiftOnMicroformats
lol, I want to see that
"it's me, hi, I'm the parser, it's me"
capjamesg, re-reading that article, made me think that Webmention (since it's linked fairly early on) would be another good candidate for an MDN article
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tantek] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
Out of context: "this is suspiciously alphabetised"
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
featured works there
[preview] Spotify Wrapped. A year of one's music in review, packaged into a delightful, colourful interactive experience. I saw someone post their Spotify Wrapped and almost immediately went to Spotify, wondering if mine was ready. It was. I skipped through mo...
[I don't have a spotify-wrapped but I have the YouTube equivalent)
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel