#microformats 2024-01-27

2024-01-27 UTC
[tw2113] and gRegor joined the channel
[tantek]: How can we get some of these over the line https://github.com/microformats/h-event/issues
GWG, find me a microformats vacation? 🙃
or next time I'm at an IndieWebCamp making progress on them, defend me from nerdsniping
[tantek]: That sounds like a fun time.
(which is what happened at IWC NUR)
You know I would sit around talking about this stuff
I keep trying to get conversations going because I think so many pieces are close to the finish line
yes they are
angelo, [campegg], [tw2113] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
What is nerdsniping
gRegor, plantroon, pftnhr, [campegg], [snarfed], thedelanyo, capjamesg, greenfork and ancarda joined the channel