#microformats 2024-02-03

2024-02-03 UTC
j12t joined the channel
It sounds like nobody has a best practice for this for any use case, which is fine and which answers my question. Thanks everybody.
j12t, it sounded like you were asking for all use-cases, not for any one in particular.
gRegor, [Al_Abut]1, lazcorp, [William_Jack_P], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], Loqi, [20_s_Net], [jeremycherfas], IWDiscord, erscheinung[d], ytseboy[d], magikarp_salesma, the_kovah[d], marmadilemanteat, chrisaldrich[d], hidjy[d], skyth3r[d], againstthefuture, yxtbi39pa8cte[d], Gremblo[d], [Al_Abut], [snarfed] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel