#microformats 2024-02-05

2024-02-05 UTC
[Joe_Crawford], [hello092], [Murray], Loqi, Gremblo[d], ytseboy[d], erscheinung[d], againstthefuture, hidjy[d], marmadilemanteat, the_kovah[d], IWDiscord, Loqi__, [KevinMarks], chee, srijan, [Ana_R], [Paul_Robert_Ll] and gRegor joined the channel
per the conversation in #indieweb about questioning 1-5 rating scales, I'm thinking of change the default lowerbound for p-rating in h-review from 1 to 0. https://microformats.org/wiki/h-review#Properties
shreyan1 joined the channel
edited /h-review (-117) "change default lower end of range for rating to 0 per numerous examples in the wild and summary documentation of zero-based rating systems in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_(classification). Also implementation PR was merged a while ago"
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edited /h-review (+320) "note proposal to merge review properties into h-entry since if successful it will likely eliminate this as a separate microformat (turn it into a legacy alias for h-entry)"
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barnaby, GWG ^ noted officially so folks (re)discovering hReview / h-review have a heads-up about what is likely happening
[preview] Tantek Çelik
I'm excited about that
[tantek] joined the channel
Let's see if that warning at the top of the page elicits any additional feedback on the issue
It's a pretty big change, especially historically within the larger context of hReview so we can be patient
plantroon joined the channel
I'm patiently excited
The publishing side seems straightforward. Getting the consuming examples in the public web will take a bit longer, though there's recent talk of it with movie reviews
yes there was that IndieWeb movie review aggregation project that [sarajaksa] built (it's in the 2023 Gift Calendar)
[snarfed] and [aciccarello] joined the channel