jackyso http://php.microformats.io/?id=20240308174917855 confirms this understanding, that property classes are _not_ parsed as if it implied to itself if it's on an element but _would_ do so if it's a child element (but then not for itself but for the owning item of that property)
jkingwebI think Jacky is saying that it was unclear that p-, u-, e- and dt- classes are ignored on root h- microformats, that only descendent elements are parsed for properties.
[tantek]people mistakenly putting property class names on the same element as a root class name and assuming it belongs to that root is one of the more common errors (it doesn't, such a property is how you embed an entire microformat object *as the value of that property on its parent microformat object*)
[tantek]it's literally how you do things like "this is the location h-card for this h-event" e.g. class="p-location h-card", which btw means the same as class="h-card p-location" since the class attribute is an unordered space delimited set of class names
[tantek]I figured Powells would be fine because they're effectively an institution that's going to be around, and seem positive to send them some additional discoverability