jackyah I see: "The "*" for root (and property) class names consists of an optional vendor prefix (series of 1+ number or lowercase a-z characters i.e. [0-9a-z]+, followed by '-'), then one or more '-' separated lowercase a-z words."
jackythe parser has a hard failure when it comes across a property declaration when no item has been declared yet. going to flip this to a warning (one of the first lints I can make with this!)
jackyI think having that could help people catch that bug (a very very long term goal is to have some kind of thing that can find common mf2 bugs in HTML and help fix it)
jackyI'd also imagine that would help adoption if there's a tool to help nudge towards valid mf2 (linters have helped me with this in general and good compiler errors - which are hard)
[KevinMarks]The parser did originally allow all casing, but we tightened it up once we found a lot of false positives in the wild (initially a lot of `u-*`)
lazcorpThinking of adding microformats to my artwork pages. Would a piece of artwork (in a gallerym with a date attrahed to each piece of artwork) count as an "h-entry"?