#microformats 2024-03-13

2024-03-13 UTC
m5zs7k, jacky, Loqi, [contact898], [tantek], [Murray], [KevinMarks], [Tilley], [snarfed], [aciccarello], IWSlackGateway, [qubyte], [capjamesg], [Ros], [schmarty], Guest6_, gRegor, [Ana_R], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [Scout], [lcs], synth and bhavin192 joined the channel
I'm trying to modify my website to support u-repost-of, what should be the u-url of such posts? Right now I'm keeping u-url to link on my website (shown as Permalink on page), u-repost-of to link of external website (shown as Source on page). Example: https://13-mar--gkskt.netlify.app/posts/strapi-api-quickstart/ is this correct?
[preview] [Bhavin Gandhi] Build APIs in less than 5 minutes with Strapi
this is more of an #indieweb-dev question, but if your post isn't a literal copy of the other post, u-repost-of isn't the right property to use
Makes sense. This is more like sharing the other post on my website. Do you want me to post this question on #indieweb-dev?
Guest6 joined the channel
Is it problematic to have more than one h-card (representing the same entity) on a single page? I set up a h-card in my website footer so it's available on nearly every page, but my blog posts are marked up with h-entry (on the body element) and a minimal h-card around the author information. Sample post also digging into this issue: https://nicks.im/b/1XD
[edit] Is it problematic to have more than one h-card (representing the same entity) on a single page? I set up a h-card in my website footer so it's available on nearly every page, but my blog posts are marked up with h-entry (on the body element) and a minimal h-card around the author information. Sample post also digging into this issue: https://nicks.im/b/1XD
[preview] [Nick Simson] troubleshooting I’m a bit puzzled why my profile image doesn’t always show up when I leave a comment on another website. I’ve noticed this a lot lately with other WordPress sites…I have a WP site, plus a Gravatar, and a microformats (IndieWe...
[preview] [Nick Simson] troubleshooting I’m a bit puzzled why my profile image doesn’t always show up when I leave a comment on another website. I’ve noticed this a lot lately with other WordPress sites…I have a WP site, plus a Gravatar, and a microformats (IndieWe...
hi nsmsn, this sounds like it might be better for the #indieweb-dev channel since it's about specific IndieWeb protocols/formats interactions (that yes build on microformats, however are a specific use thereof)
jacky joined the channel
OK, thanks for the suggestion [tantek]
[tantek], gRegor, [dominik], jacky and [snarfed] joined the channel
need to get control over `microformats-parser` and then I'd be able to release the `microformats-cli` thing to parse HTML on the CLI
that said, https://docs.rs/microformats-types/0.8.1/microformats_types/ shows a structured collection of 'types' (so someone else can make a parser but not worry about defining the types)
now _that_ is on topic 💯
haa once that's done, I can look into doing metaformats and jf2 very quickly
being able to look at the JSON form of things quickly from the CLI is nice, esp offline
[capjamesg], [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [KevinMarks], to2ds and alezz joined the channel