#microformats 2024-05-06

2024-05-06 UTC
[jacky], eitilt, [Philippe_Mougi] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
*evidence*: Refers to an evidence of something the context is about. This link relation type has been originally created to link from fact-checking articles to evidences about fact-checked claims. It may be used in other contexts.
At AFP we write a lot of https://factcheck.afp.com and have identified three new link relation types (appearance, evidence, frozen) that could be useful in that context and beyond. They could eventualy get added to https://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values. Here is our draft proposal for feedback :
*frozen*: Refers to an unalterable ressource via a permanent link. E.g., a http://perma.cc/ link to a permanent record of a Web page.
*appearance*: Refers to an appearance of something the context is about. This link relation type was originally created to link from fact-checking articles to appearances of fact-checked claims. It may be used in other contexts.
Similarly, is `evidence` distinct from `cite` http://or.is there some overlap? Finally I assume `frozen` links to a static copy of the *current* page, not just any frozen page?
The rel value is intended to describe the remote resource in relation to the current page (or closer context in some cases). For these `appearance` makes sense, is this distinct from existing `syndication` as its not an exact copy?
lazcorp joined the channel
Thanks for commenting [KevinMarks].
The _appearance_ link relation type would indeed be different from _syndication_, as the latter refers to a syndicated copy of the current page while the former refers to the appearance of something that the current page is about, which, typically, won’t be either the current page or a copy of it (see example below).
authoritative source, but linking to an authoritative source or precedent is not necessarily linking to evidence.
The _evidence_ link relation type indeed overlaps with _cite_, in a narrower/broader relationship. While cite indicates that the link’s target is an authoritative source or a precedent, _evidence_ expresses that the link’s target provides evidence, which has a narrower, more specialised, meaning, especially in the context of fact-checking articles or legal proceedings. Linking to a resource providing evidence is linking to an
In a fact checking article, we would use _appearance_ and _evidence_ this way : “In <a rel=“appearance” href=“...“>this blog post</a> Mr Doggy claims that cats have a secret plan to dominate the world. This claim was further elaborated in <a rel=“appearance” href=“...“>this article from the Daily Planet</a>. Our research shows that several elements support that claim. In this authenticated <a rel=“evidence” href
record</a> of a cat meeting...“.
Finally, the _frozen_ link relation type is not meant to be restricted to linking to a static copy of the current page, it’s about linking to any unalterable resource via a permanent link. This can be especially meaningful in contexts such as fact-checking articles, as you need to provide permanent links to some unalterable snapshots of other documents.
[Joe_Crawford], [tantek], eitilt, [benatwork], [Joschi_Kuphal], gRegor, [snarfed] and [aciccarello] joined the channel