#microformats 2024-05-22

2024-05-22 UTC
Loqi and reillypascal joined the channel
transferring mf2.link to the microformats GH organization
thanks again capjamesg++
capjamesg has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (193 in all channels)
[preview] [microformats] mf2.link: Generate embeddable links with mf2 markup for use within inline text and when sharing.
_dissolve22[d] joined the channel
chee1, ancarda, barnaby, [benatwork], [Jo] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Is the mf2-dot-link website a blank page for anyone else…?
In a different browser, it’s a parked namecheap domain.
[jgarber] I (should) still own it.
It's not active right now.
barnabywalters joined the channel
Ah, okay. It’s linked from the project’s GitHub repo, so I clicked it. Is the app supposed to be deployed at that URL?
Totally fine if not, of course. But it was an odd experience coming at it through the repo.
It has been moved because I no longer have the mental bandwidth to maintain it. There will be a transition period.
Totally understandable! Thanks for clarifying. 🙌
good catch [jgarber], I'll do a PR on the Readme to update that
actually the Readme had no links, only the project about section which I updated to point to the IndieWeb page on it instead
barnaby, gRegor, [contact898], [dominik], [Joschi_Kuphal], [snarfed], [Ros], [Joe_Crawford] and [tantek] joined the channel