#microformats 2024-07-02

2024-07-02 UTC
zicklepop6, robalex, Guest7618 and aaronpk joined the channel
hacking on some identity consolidation rn, I think a pointer to Tarjan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm) would be helpful on the identity consolidation wiki page (https://microformats.org/wiki/identity-consolidation). It's a well documented way of finding strongly connected components in a network graph, and it runs in linear time.
robalex, The_Decryptor, gRegorLove_, [Jo], Guest236, [ricola], zicklepop, [Murray], [Otto_Rask], [KevinMarks], to2ds and [manton] joined the channel
edited /rel-author (+49) "indieweb.org, add indieweb rel-author to See Also, simplify See Also section"
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